Sunday, 24 June 2007

I can see the light

I can see the light
It's right at the end of the road
or so the expression goes

I can see the light
I will get to it
eventually I will be their

I can see the light
all I have to do
is walk towards It

I can see the light
yes I will have to walk
walk on rocky road's
That will cause a few scratches

I can see the light
It's no problem
It's not that hard to get to it
all it will take is a little effort

I can see the light
Ignore all that negative pain
just keep on looking towards the light
walk right towards it
the scratches can be polished away
It will all be over soon
Soon it will be forgotten
remembered when needed

I can see the light
all things are positive
even the negative
the light Will keep on burning
as long as I keep on hoping.


Anonymous said...

May Allah reward you for your journey.
You have a nice poetry blog going here. I hope you don't mind I added your site to my own as a blog I enjoy.

poetic muslim said...

agadir_girl,welcome to my blogg :) no offcourse I dont mind .