Saturday, 16 June 2007


asalam alaykum , this post is about well problems . i hate calling them problems because it sounds so negative . problems can be so positive if only we could always see that .i think about everyones problems . to the extent i wish i could just stop thinking! its drives me mad , I'm actually planning on making a list of every ones problems i know so far then sitting and making dua for each one . for some reason that would make me feel better . i cant change the situation for them only they and allah can do it . but at least i can make dua which most underestimate the power of this tool . dua has pretty much gotten me through life . whenever i have any issue its dua and sajood now . suddenly i feel a huge burden has been taken from me .

problems are going to inshallah get me to allah . now getting to allah isnt an easy path theirs going to be lots of rocky patches , winding roads that i have to walk through ,mountains i have to climb then finally i will find myself sitting i a beautiful surrounding with lots of light . That's my true destination its called peace . its called jennah . we are truly just guests in this world if only we could conceive this . if we would then our problems which just be treated like a pinch of salt . my mantra is 'its just for today don't worry its in Allah's hands' . sometimes i feel i live in a dream like state and everyone else lives i reality . perhaps I'm idealistic .

If i had to ask everyone to inscribe their problems on a huge mountain we would still need more space to inscribe on to it !its madness i think subanallah about this life when i was a little girl how ignorant i was of this world? now I'm all grown up and feel thrown into all of it without no warning .ill end it at that ill continue making dua and try to get knowledge inshallah .


D'Great Ruler said...


but du'a and sujood aren't the only way out of problems =) also have to try yourself right?

I came upon your blog today...nd masha'Allah, reading your poems, i must have awesome talents!


poetic muslim said...

walkum wasalam, offcourse u have to try , what i meant was that i dont cry about my problems as much as they bother me , i choose not to let it get to me and just relax by making dua and sajood . :)